Design Trends to Consider for Your E-commerce Website in 2023

If you are running a retail store and looking to make it big, getting an eCommerce website designed will enhance your sales. An eCommerce website has the potential of elevating a business tenfold if designed neatly. Today, the majority of the customers rely on online platforms to buy or to make a decision on what to buy. With an e-commerce platform, you have in addition to the numerous benefits available through e-commerce, a 24×7 available point of contact with your target customers. In this blog we have shared the design trends that you should consider in 2023 to enhance your business’s growth. 

Design Trends to Grow your eCommerce Store

eCommerce is a fast-growing industry, with a mindblowing sales record of $1 Trillion in 2022 in just the USA. If you are looking to open your own online store, you must progress consistently and walk parallel with the advancements of tech. You don’t have to be a tech expert or eCommerce developer for scaling your eCommerce store, keeping yourself updated on the web design trends will also prepare you to run your business smoothly. 

E-commerce Through Mobile Devices

Commonly known as m-Commerce, mobile e-commerce is more popular than 20 years ago when the concept began. It is common knowledge that Smartphones are the most dynamic technology today. Smartphones today have a wider reach at a personal level than any other technology. According to a research, there were more than 6.46 Billion smartphones in 2022. In the last few years, m-Commerce literally went through the roof, with a 250% increase, and this growth is expected to increase consistently in the coming years. This is a very rich pool that you cannot afford to miss out on.

Instant Loading Time 

Load time is a critical issue for m-Commerce. Customers don’t like to hang around waiting for your app to load, and if this happens, they will simply exit, and if loading is an issue, then they will uninstall your app from their devices, which is something you don’t want. So, ensure that your app has the shortest load time possible, customers will enjoy browsing your products, and conversions will increase.

Hamburger Menus

I know what you are thinking, “a hamburger menu! Really? Actually, yes, a hamburger menu. But it is not what you are thinking. The hamburger menu is the three lines on a website or app, on the top right or left corner. Tapping or clicking on the lines gives the menu. Looking at the three lines, you can easily understand where the name ‘Hamburger’ comes from. This is one of the new trends that are popular with your target customers.


How are you displaying products on your page? In a grid or list. Well, a few years back, customers had the option to choose how they would want things displayed. But today, most apps and websites are using grid layout, for the simple reason that grid format uses the space best and is most preferred among users.

Use of Videos

Are you still stuck in the image era? Well, your target customers are moving forward and they are now using videos. Videos are now the most used content formats, especially with the advent of YouTube. With a video on your app, 65% of your visitors will watch more than 75% of a video, which is more than what a user reads in text form. Moreover, statistics show that using videos on your e-store increases conversion by 80%. In addition, given the increased use of videos, it is clear that their use will increase going into the future.

Guiding your Customers

In the traditional brick and mortar store, this concept is referred to as product counselors. These are used to advise buyers on the basis of their preferences. This concept has been brought online and when a potential buyer lands on the page, they are required to answer a few questions that pop up to determine their favorite color, height, price range, etc. based on these answers, the website recommends the products the customer might opt for. This method is sure to increase conversion, and given its success, it is sure to be a major hit in the future. 

Employ asymmetric layout

Asymmetric and broken grid layouts are among the designing trends that picked up in 2023. Currently, asymmetric seems to have led as it is the most popular not only in website designing but also in architecture and arts. It is highly likely that asymmetric layout will gain even more prominence in 2023. To bring in more visitors and retain them through to conversion, use the asymmetrical layout for your e-store.

Make Your Online Store Alive Through Animation

Does your e-store have only static images? Well, you need to bring in animation, even if it’s through the use of gif. Customers enjoy animation as it gives your website life. Moreover, given the rate at which browser technologies are evolving at, they will soon integrate diverse multimedia.

In addition to these trends that you can’t overlook in an effort to gain competitive advantage, this part provides you with some juicy tips that will come in handy in giving you an upper hand in the e-marketplace.

Ensure Your Website is in Sync With the Products Displayed

How do you feel when you visit the front-end of your website? Does it feel off or relevant to what is sold? Things like color, the texture, feel, words used, and even the pictures should give your customers an idea of what’s being sold, even before they peruse the pages.

Product Clustering

Ordinarily, an e-store will have various types of products, the idea here is to ensure that products that are related – complementary goods – are displayed close to each other as the likelihood of buying the other after buying one are very high. For example, it is possible that a customer who buys toothpaste is more likely to buy a toothbrush, thus, the checkout page for toothpaste should recommend a toothbrush.

Hire An eCommerce Web Developer

If you haven’t found a web development team to build your eCommerce platform, EitBiz will be the best choice for you. Our team of eCommerce web developers has a tremendous  portfolio and exceptional talent. For your eCommerce business, EitBiz will be the best eCommerce web development company.



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EitBiz - Extrovert Information Technology

EitBiz is a fast-growing and dynamic software, mobile app and web design and development company, expanding to multiple countries.

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