Hiring Developers for Your Business App: Flutter vs. Kotlin

Today’s tech-dominated landscape has made the app development process less labor-intensive and time-saving. 

Though it turned out to be a “Saviour” for many developers, some are still running into mistakes in selecting the right app development framework. 

Let’s face it!

According to Statista, “The app market revenue is projected to witness a substantial growth of over 8% (CAGR 2022-2027), expecting a market volume of US$673.80bn by the next three years.” 

Thus, running into any random app development framework could cost you more than a fortune! 

If you want to develop a performance-centric yet functional app with multiple OS compatibility, Flutter and Kotlin have emerged as two cross-platform app frameworks. The former is a framework based on Dart Programming language while the latter runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). 

But now the question arises- What is the right framework for your app development project? 

Let’s dig deep into the detailed comparison of both Flutter and Kotlin and know the ideal one for your app development needs. 

What is Flutter?

Developed by Google, Flutter is an open-source UI development tool that helps users build scalable and intuitive mobile, web, and desktop apps. Since it offers a native-like experience to its users, this tool surpasses the competition and is arguably favored by significant developers worldwide. With just a single line of code, developers can build beautiful apps for Windows, Android, Linux, iOS, & Mac. 

Speaking of the popularity between the two platforms, Flutter has over 150k stars and 24k forks on GitHub. On the other hand, Kotlin has 44k stars and over 5k forks on GitHub. 

What Key Features & Benefits Does Flutter Offer?

Here is the list of the key features of adopting Flutter app development platform.

Rapid Development

If you’re looking for cross-platform app development without running into hassles or draining your time, then Flutter is an ideal option. Furthermore, it requires less cost and tools to build an app.

Hot Reload

One of the key features of Flutter is that it offers a hot reload functionality that facilitates real-time code updates. Thus, it makes the entire process faster and more efficient.

Beautiful UI

Since UI elements are infused with native-like capabilities, Flutter can significantly enhance the user interface of your app, making it appealing and downloadable to your target audience.

Single Codebase

Thanks to AOT (Ahead-of-Time Compilation) and JIT (Just-in-Time Compiler), Flutter has a single codebase that allows developers to code in Dart. Unlike other platforms, there is no need to use multiplatform tools in Flutter.

Next, what is Kotlin?

Developed by JetBrains, Kotlin is another popular Java alternative that has now gained a strong market foothold in app development. It enables developers to modify the app’s design and UI, making it a preferred choice for app development projects. Thanks to its wide set of tools and Java-compatible frameworks, it eliminates significant bugs and minimizes the lines of code to avoid potential errors. 

Some of the renowned companies that Kotlin are Netflix, Evernote, Amazon, and Uber. 

What Makes Kotlin Different from Flutter? 

Listed below are the distinguishing features that make Kotlin unique.

Third-Party Integration

Kotlin offers third-party integration with a wide set of frameworks, libraries, and app elements. Thus, it makes the entire development process easier for developers while eliminating potential challenges.

Eliminates Shifting Process

If you’re looking to build your app on this platform, then you can easily do it without running into the hassle of shifting the entire app. Don’t have time? If so, hire developers so they can work on a single module and then harness other modules.

Increased App Performance

Efficiency is the core of this app development platform. When it comes to developing an app that aligns across all browsers, then Kotlin can work wonders. Since it resembles Java, it’s easy to learn and implement in the designing process.

Strong Compilation

Developers will face no difficulty in developing performance-centric apps for their businesses. Since Kotlin is similar to Java, it has a robust compiler that may easily empower both Android and iOS platforms.

Comparison Between Flutter and Kotlin: Key Points to Consider

Here is a detailed analysis of both Flutter and Kotlin to ensure you’ll make an informed decision. 

Parameters Flutter Kotlin 
Meaning Flutter is a cross-platform App Mobile SDK Framework UI ToolkitKotlin, on the other hand, is an object-oriented programming language. 
Programming Language Used It is based on the Dart programming language. Kotlin uses Java programming language to build beautiful apps. 
Size Flutter has a bigger app size as compared to Kotlin. Its size is considerably less than Flutter. 
USP Hot Reload and Hot RestartKotlin is compatible with Java. 
Community Support Flutter has a robust community base. On the flip side, it also has a good community base. 
PerformanceWhen it comes to app performance, it has excellent speed, making it ideal for businesses with demand for quick app opening. Kotlin also offers good performance but it excels in security syntax and compatibility. 
Testing Support Flutter has no support for app testing. It offers dedicated testing support for apps. 
Learning Pace It requires developers to first learn Dart and then proceed with the app-building process. Kotlin, on the other hand, is easy to learn and doesn’t require much effort from the developer. 
Pricing The key highlight of Flutter is that it is free and open-source. Kotlin is also open-source and free, making it an ideal option to consider for app development. 

Choosing the Best App Development Platform: Flutter or Kotlin?

So, there you have it! Both frameworks are ahead of the competition and perfectly cater to the needs of every developer. 

If you are new to app development, then using Kotlin can be an ideal choice due to its Java compatibility and easy user interface. On the contrary, in terms of customization and widget architecture, Flutter takes the lead. Furthermore, if you just want to get your app running in no time, then the latter will never disappoint you!


EitBiz - Extrovert Information Technology

EitBiz - Extrovert Information Technology

EitBiz is a fast-growing and dynamic software, mobile app and web design and development company, expanding to multiple countries.

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