How to Create a Music Streaming App like Spotify?

Compelling Benefits Of iOS App Development for Your Business

Who wouldn’t want to develop an app like “Spotify” that has 602 million monthly active users?

Well, thinking of such a business is even hard to imagine!

That’s why, with the growing popularity of music streaming apps like “Spotify”, businesses want to dive into music mobile app development. 

But now the question is- Why build a music app like “Spotify”?

Well, despite gigantic competitors like Apple Music, Amazon Music, and more, Spotify has garnered a robust market foothold. 

Furthermore, there are many other good reasons, as well!

  • Spotify brought in €13.25 billion in annual revenue in 2023.
  • More than 100 million tracks and over 5 million podcasts are available on Spotify.
  • Spotify has a 31.7% market share in the music streaming space.

Are you excited to build a solid mobile app like Spotify? If so, this post will guide everything you should know about the app’s features, steps, and more. 

Let’s find out! 

7 Steps to Build a Solid Music Streaming App Like Spotify

Features to Include in the Music Streaming Mobile App

If you want to build a scalable music streaming app like Spotify, here is a list of the steps you need to take care of. 

Step 1: Flesh Out Your Sound Streaming App Idea

Before you embark on your journey to mobile app development, you understand your target audience and business idea. Try to conduct extensive research to know more about your audience like their demographics, age group, preferred language, and more. Furthermore, you should make a note of essential features you want to incorporate in the app. Remember that when you know what your audience is, you will likely build an app that not only attracts but converts them into customers. 

Step 2: Choose the Type of License for Your Music Streaming App

Another major step you need to consider is selecting the type of license for your music app. Remember that if you want to provide a list of songs by artists, you will need to contact the album rights holder. However, if you don’t then you may run into legal troubles sooner or later. When you dive into music app development, you’ll be surprised to know that there are multiple licenses. Choosing the specific kind of license depends on the type of app you’re building. 

Step 3: Find a Team to Create Your Own Music Streaming App

No matter what kind of music app you want to build, it’s not an easy task! If you’re new to the world of app development or don’t have time or tech resources then hiring professional assistance is a must. Well, you don’t want to end up running into choosing an obsolete tech and compromise your app development process. 

Note: Remember that the cost of development may differ from one company to another. Ensure you consider their expertise, experience, and deliverables. 

Step 4: Work Out the Custom Music Streaming App Design

If you want to make your music app viral then you cannot overlook the importance of UI/UX. Remember that competition is tough; creating stunning UI/UX design is essential to staying ahead of your competitors.

Remember that an engaging User Experience (UX) will not only make your app user-friendly but also engage your users to spend countless hours. On the other hand, User Interface (UI) is equally important when it comes to music app development. If you think people will not examine your app’s interface, you’re probably mistaken. The more engaging your app’s visuals, the more users will likely download and use the app. Ensure you keep your app’s interface minimalistic and should not be flooded with jarring icons and buttons. 

When your app has incredible UI and UX, users will easily navigate through the app and even recommend others to download it. 

Step 5: Choose the Tech Stack

Spotify is a proprietary closed-source platform, so the company does not publicly disclose the full details of their technology stack. To build a similar app, we suggest using the following tech stack:

Parameters Details 
Back-End language/technologyNode.js, Java, or Python
Cloud platformAWS or Google Cloud
DatabaseMongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL or Cassandra
Cloud PlatformAWS or Google Cloud
Front-End TechnologyReact or Angular
Search EngineElasticsearch or Solr
Container TechnologyDocker and Kubernetes
Streaming TechnologyWowza, Red5
Message BrokerKafka or RabbitMQ
Payment GatewayStripe or PayPal

Step 6: Develop the App 

In this step of mobile app development, you need to choose a programming language like Kotlin, Swift, or React Native. No matter what framework you choose, it should function properly and there are no potential pitfalls. 

If you don’t know how to use the app development framework then hire the best mobile app development company to do it for you. Whether you hire a team of app developers on a full-time or freelance basis, always stick to your budget. Outsourcing is usually the more cost-effective option since you don’t need to commit to long-term staff contracts.

Step 7: Release & Maintain Your App

This is the last step in your music app development! All you need to do is simply launch your app to the App Store or Google Play Store to make it available for your customers. But the story doesn’t end here! After the app launch, you have to have a team of designers, developers, QAs, and project managers to ensure your music app runs smoothly. When you provide post-maintenance support, you may easily eliminate errors that your customers might face during usage. 

List of Features to Include in the Music Streaming Mobile App

When you’re building a solid music streaming mobile app, here is a list of key features to include in your mobile app. 

  • Audio Streaming

Quickly find and stream audio or video via an Internet connection.

  • Music Search 

Helps users to find any song or podcast through the name of the artist, song lyrics, label, or genre.

  • Music Player

It’s an interface of the app that shows which song is being played, volume control, and switching from one song to another. 

  • Playlists

Users can save their songs and create a dedicated playlist. 

  • Downloading 

Users can download their favourite tracks and listen to them whenever they want. 

  • Mood-Based Music 

It creates dedicated playlists based on the mood and feelings of the user. 

  • Cross-Platform Syncing 

It ensures that users’ music can be synced on all devices, including their computers, phones, and smart speakers. 

Final Thoughts 

So, there you have it! Now, you have understood the steps to create a solid music streaming app like Spotify! 

If you decide to build a music streaming app, EitBiz is happy to help you out and bring your app idea to life. As a leading mobile app development company, we leverage high-end frameworks and libraries to build robust, feature-rich, and scalable music streaming apps that cater to your business needs. 

Are you ready to build a music streaming app like Spotify? Call us at +1 (812) 530-6300 or email us at  & we will contact you back as soon as possible!


EitBiz - Extrovert Information Technology

EitBiz - Extrovert Information Technology

EitBiz is a fast-growing and dynamic software, mobile app and web design and development company, expanding to multiple countries.

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